The 21st Kanagawa Biennial World Children’s Art Exhibition
NEW Homepage has been revamped! →here NEW The Screening results have been uploaded! →here
Further Schedule
・Results: The list of the winners will be posted on this website “RESULTS” in the middle of March 2021. ・Exhibition: 6th July to 22th August 2021 at the Gallery of Erath Plaza (Yokohama city in Kanagawa, Japan) ・Award Certificate: In September 2021 we will send them.
Organizer: Kanagawa Prefectural Government,
Supporters: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs; The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; The Japan Foundation; Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA); The U.N. Association of Japan; The National Federation of UNESCO Association in Japan; The National Council of YMCAs of Japan; The Japan Committee for UNICEF; Kanagawa Prefecture Municipals; Kanagawa Prefecture Board of Education, Kanagawa Prefecture Municipal Boards of Education; Kanagawa Prefecture Japan-China Friendship Association
※We have over 700,000 entries from approximately 100 countries and regions included japan throughout the all past exhibitions. ※“Biennial” is a term used within the art world to describe an international exhibition.
Contact us:
Please access to our website or Facebook.
Secretariat, Kanagawa Biennial World Children’s Art Exhibition
c/o Earth Plaza
1-2-1 Kosugaya, Sakae-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, JAPAN
Postal code 247-0007
(Change ■ to @)
※When you contact us by e-mail, please let us know name, country and group (in case of group entry).
More than 3,500 pictures from over the world are published
on the website “Children’s Museum of Art” (VR).
You can view the pictures by country/region and by the year of exhibition.